Fort Steuben Mall

Visit WebsiteLocation:D2

As the premier shopping destination in the Ohio Valley, Fort Steuben Mall offers convenience along with selection. Over 40 stores, including JCPenney, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Bath & Body Work, & Wal-Mart Supercenter.

Job Opportunities

Fort Steuben Mall has an immediate opening for security. You will need to have a valid drivers license. Please stop in the mall management office for an application, Monday - Friday 10AM to 5PM

Job Opportunities

Fort Steuben Mall is hiring full and part-time maintenance workers.
Must have a Valid Drivers
License Be able to pass a background check
Maintenance experience helpful but not necessary.
Apply in person at Mall Office Monday-Friday 10am-4pm

Job Opportunities

Join the Ft. Steuben Mall Management Team!

Apply in person at Mall Office Monday-Friday 10am-4pm